Giving the film a mixed review brought some nasty comments inconsistent with the gentle innocence one prefers to associate with "Frozen" fans. Among these are my darling neighbors and their friends, who regularly belt out the film's Best Song winner "Let It Go" together while carpooling to school. My neighbors saw "Frozen" five times and contributed to its $1 billion in sales, making it second-highest money-earner for the year behind "Iron Man 3."
Some of the comments I received on my less-than-raving review thoughtfully considered the psychological torment of a sister who completely shuts out her sibling despite continued begging for contact. Others thought I was slime for daring to question any aspect of a film they adore. "Frozen"'s popularity might simply convey that even with a weird plot and scary scenes, girls crave imaginative films that create bonds with their friends.
When my neighbors sing "Let it Go," they don't notice the perplexing message underlying Elsa unleashing her dangerous ice-creation powers--but it's still there. When someone has a destructive or harmful proclivity, is it really better to "let it go," or harness and redirect it? Elsa's exuberant expression of her freezing curse could spur viewers' "letting go" other destructive urges, like anger. It's doubtful kids understand a "soul spiraling in frozen fractals" but when it comes to tantrums, they might readily hear "Turn away and slam the door! I don't care what they're going to say--Let the storm rage on!"
But who's thinking about that? Caring parents, perhaps?
John Travolta's embarrassing botched introduction of Idina Menzel at the Oscars before she sang "Let It Go" is probably the most savored storm since the film's release. Clearly unnerved, Travolta called the Broadway star "the wick-ed-ly talented, one and only Adele Dazeem," unleashing a flurry of hilarious tweets that finally let adults squeeze some fun out of the film. Even folks who avoided the Academy Awards are chuckling from the ubiquitous loop online of Travolta's fail.
Though "Frozen" has its own fails, clearly the movie-going public disagreed with my take on it, or chose to ignore anything deeper than that first soft layer in the snow-pack. Better for families to go to Disney movies, and girls to giggle together munching popcorn in theaters than withdraw to the increasingly common physical isolation of video games and online relationships. I was surprised to see one of my "Frozen"-boosting neighbors engaged in a computer game where teen avatars are manipulated within a room by youngsters scattered around the world. These characters have fake money to spend on beauty products and clothes, certainly legitimate interests of 12-year-olds, but the platform on which they interact is pitifully disconnected from any real contact.
Theater movies provide an event, a shared experience that in themselves have value for participants. Beyond that, though, messages conveyed onscreen do matter. "Frozen" offers good ones with the dubious, such as younger Princess Anna's loyalty to her sister despite repeated spurning, and Queen Elsa's misguided withdrawal from Anna under the guise of dutiful obedience to her deceased parents' command. In this film, messages are mixed and muddled, which probably mutes their negative impact on the girls crooning "Let It Go" in the car on their way to school.
Interesting lookback on your thoughts of the movie.
ReplyDeleteSorry that you did receive some nasty comments, but just remember that there are idiots on the internet who post what they want. Don't consider yourself bashed or slammed, some people who disagree with others are always rude >.<
I think I interpret "Let it Go" a bit different than you. You seem to suggest that what Elsa is releasing is pent-up anger and frustration.
How I viewed the song, she is letting go her fear of powers and how others will view her. "swirling storm inside.. couldn't keep it in;" "I don't care what they're going to say." Let it Go seemed to be her revelation in accepting who she was and finally letting go of her "perfect image" eg, no longer pretending to be someone she is not.
I think your comment about how kids might think about "Turn my back and slam the door", is actually kind of interesting. I think some kids may view the song in a way that they may do what they want, but I think more kids will think it's a song of confidence and accepting who you are.
The scene transitions from her regal posture and clothes, mournful expressions, to her smiling and spinning her arms in joy and creating her new dress and castle. "I'm free!"
I loved the film (I'm 18) and I've been in Musical Theatre for a few years. My only issue with the story was the relationship between the sisters. I was thrilled that Disney was recognizing one of the most forgotten about relationships in their history, and were celebrating that 'true love' with this movie. However, Anna and Elsa were very close when Anna was maybe, 5 or 6? Then Elsa shut her out for perhaps the next 10-15 years. It was kind of vague as to whether they actually spent *any* time together. The little time that was spent was probably quiet and limited. This kind of makes me wonder, what relationship was really there? I can barely remember the friendship I had with my older sister when I was 6. Yet, Anna was so persistent in doing anything and everything for Elsa on such a weak relationship? The fact that they are family is a strong tie, but Anna and Elsa were hardly...friends. How could they be, if they never spent time together? At the Coronation Reception, Elsa surprises Anna just by saying "Hi."
Where did this devotion and such a strong connection come from between the sisters?
Anna eventually sacrifices herself for Elsa, which was such a powerful moment, but I'd have thought it more powerful if there was a little more light shone on the relationship between the two. I think Elsa sacrificing herself for Anna would have made more sense, as her life had mostly been protecting Anna and a fear of hurting her. Not to mention, Elsa was a bit older when they were so close and would have had more memories of their friendship.
Regardless, there *was* a relationship there, I think it just needed more attention.
Just add to share this with you. Right on, don't you agree?
Oh dear, I didn't know the link wouldn't show.
ReplyDeleteThe above is a link to the How it Should Have Ended for Frozen.
Hope you can see it!